Monday, April 25, 2011

in opposition to fracking

Given p-series requires hydrofraulic byproducts the below demonstrate the challenge facing the developing fuel source

- Cites water contamination in Pennsylvania and West Virginia and potential earth quakes in Arkansas

- Is this dodging the need to actually find a renewable energy resource

- Full life cycle of emissions 20 year time scale indicates an even larger carbon footprint due to:

- Methane is emitted from the actual process, which is more detrimental than carbon emissions

- Over time toxic chemcicals will build up


- Big study usually understates risk however the latter seems to emphasize risk

- Other conclusions from the DEP’s report include:


- • “Withdrawals [of water to support hydraulic fracturing] during dry periods could increase the duration of drought watch, warning, or emergency conditions.”


- • “[C]hronic and persistent occurrence of small scale surface spills and contamination incidents will inevitably accompany . . . hydrofracking . . . [and will] reduce public and regulatory agency confidence in the quality and safety of the water supply.”


- • “[H]yrodfracking . . . will produce an industrial-strength waste stream characterized by exceptionally high concentrations of a wide range of substances with the potential for adverse health and water quality effects which can be expected to exceed existing treatment and assimilative capacities. . .”


- • “There is high level of uncertainty as to whether effective waste treatment processes and sufficient capacity will be available in the future.”

- However its not all bad, there are places it can be implemented and have less environmental and societal affect as well as methods that are less dangerous to human health e.g. using only water- is bound to tons of jobs and natural gas production striking the balance is the challenge not necessarily completely outlawing it

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